and <p>). This can be very frustrating if you've already taken care of the breaks and paragraphs in HTML. Thankfully you can fix this functionality with a quick edit to an M2E Pro source PHP file.
Google released a 32-page search engine optimization guide (PDF) in 2010 that went into pretty good depth on how Google views websites in relation to search rankings. I am going to briefly summarize the main points of that document, provide some examples, and then add to it.
The weakest link in a computer's security is the user. Bad habits and mistakes can prevent even the best anti-virus software from being effective, or can leave your email account in the hands of someone else with malicious intent.
When developing the new H3XED website, I had one primary goal: Give users the content they're looking for as quickly and unobtrusively as possible. To facilitate this, I needed to make the site load extremely fast, have the fewest barriers to content, and work seamlessly and simplistically across all commonly-used browsers.
I really like Bill Nye the Science Guy, but the new is a great example of a bunch of hard work and talent gone completely wrong. It looks visually appealing, as many parallax websites do, but the usability takes a backseat to the look and style. Add in poor programming and bugs, and this site is just plain bad.
The full-page video displayed on PayPal's homepage can slow down computers and be distracting if you're just there to log in. You can disable it easily using any popular ad blocking extension for Chrome or Firefox (µBlock, AdBlock Plus, etc). Just add these filters to your custom filter list:
A Minecraft build. This fortress/mine is built into the side of a small mountain. It has an underground garden growing with torch light, deep mine shafts (hollowed out via TNT), and an underground forest full of trees. There is also a deep ravine that runs alongside the underground. Screenshots were taken with John Smith Legacy Texture Pack.