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How to Remove Yahoo Mail Olympic Medal Count Box
Aug 10, 2016Web and InternetComments (2)
During the Olympics, Yahoo displays a box in the lower left of your mail inbox with the medal count for each country. If you want to remove this, you can do so using any standard ad blocker.

Don't Have an Ad Blocker?

To block this box from showing up, you'll need an ad blocker extension or plug-in for your browser. If you don't already have one, you can get one from your browser's extension/plug-in page. I recommend µBlock Origin for either Chrome or Firefox. Any one that supports the AdBlock Plus filter syntax will work.

Custom Filter

Add the following filter to your ad blocker custom filter section. For uBlock, this is called "My Filters".
Be sure to hit save.
Comments (2)
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Imad   Feb 14, 2018
I am searching how to remove this new feature that shows "live Olympic medal counter" I have four ad blockers activated and still have it. Is there an option to remove it please?
Anne Rochman   Aug 17, 2016
Works like a charm! Thanks so much because I think counting medals is pretty low and I didn't and wouldn't ask for a little chart of bad manners.