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HTML Special Character Code & Windows Alt Key Shortcut List
Dec 17, 2014Web DevelopmentComments (1)
Here is a list containing HTML special character codes and Windows shortcuts.

DescriptionName CodeNo. CodeGlyphWindows
Left single quote‘‘Alt + 0145
Right single quote’’Alt + 0146
Single low-9 quote‚‚
Left double quote““Alt + 0147
Right double quote””Alt + 0148
Double low-9 quote„„
Dagger††Alt + 0134
Double dagger‡‡Alt + 0135
Horizontal ellipsis…
Per mill sign‰‰Alt + 0137
Single left-pointing angle quote‹‹Alt + 0139
Single right-pointing angle quote››Alt + 0155
Black spade suit♠♠
Black club suit♣♣
Black heart suit♥♥
Black diamond suit♦♦
Leftward arrow←←
Upward arrow↑↑
Rightward arrow→→
Downward arrow↓↓
Trademark sign™™Alt + 0153
Double quotation mark"""
Less-than sign&lt;&#60;<
Greater-than sign&gt;&#62;>
Left square bracket&#91;
Right square bracket&#93;
En dash&ndash;&#150;Alt + 0150
Em dash&mdash;&#151;Alt + 0151
Non-breaking space&nbsp;&#160; Alt + 0160
Inverted exclamation&iexcl;&#161;¡Alt + 0161
Cent sign&cent;&#162;¢Alt + 0162
Pound sterling&pound;&#163;£Alt + 0163
General currency sign&curren;&#164;¤Alt + 0164
Yen sign&yen;&#165;¥Alt + 0165
Broken vertical bar&brvbar;&#166;¦Alt + 0166
Section sign&sect;&#167;§Alt + 0167
Umlaut&uml;&#168;¨Alt + 0168
Umlaut&die;&#168;¨Alt + 0168
Copyright&copy;&#169;©Alt + 0169
Feminine ordinal&ordf;&#170;ªAlt + 0170
Left angle quote&laquo;&#171;«Alt + 0171
Not sign&not;&#172;¬Alt + 0172
Soft hyphen&shy;&#173;­Alt + 0173
Registered trademark&reg;&#174;®Alt + 0174
Macron accent&macr;&#175;¯Alt + 0175
Degree sign&deg;&#176;°Alt + 0176
Plus or minus&plusmn;&#177;±Alt + 0177
Superscript two&sup2;&#178;²Alt + 0178
Superscript three&sup3;&#179;³Alt + 0179
Acute accent&acute;&#180;´Alt + 0180
Micro sign&micro;&#181;µAlt + 0181
Paragraph sign&para;&#182;Alt + 0182
Middle dot&middot;&#183;·Alt + 0183
Cedilla&cedil;&#184;¸Alt + 0184
Superscript one&sup1;&#185;¹Alt + 0185
Masculine ordinal&ordm;&#186;ºAlt + 0186
Right angle quote&raquo;&#187;»Alt + 0187
One-fourth&frac14;&#188;¼Alt + 0188
One-half&frac12;&#189;½Alt + 0189
Three-fourths&frac34;&#190;¾Alt + 0190
Inverted question mark&iquest;&#191;¿Alt + 0191
Uppercase A, grave accent&Agrave;&#192;ÀAlt + 0192
Uppercase A, acute accent&Aacute;&#193;ÁAlt + 0193
Uppercase A, circumflex accent&Acirc;&#194;ÂAlt + 0194
Uppercase A, tilde&Atilde;&#195;ÃAlt + 0195
Uppercase A, umlaut&Auml;&#196;ÄAlt + 0196
Uppercase A, ring&Aring;&#197;ÅAlt + 0197
Uppercase AE&AElig;&#198;ÆAlt + 0198
Uppercase C, cedilla&Ccedil;&#199;ÇAlt + 0199
Uppercase E, grave accent&Egrave;&#200;ÈAlt + 0200
Uppercase E, acute accent&Eacute;&#201;ÉAlt + 0201
Uppercase E, circumflex accent&Ecirc;&#202;ÊAlt + 0202
Uppercase E, umlaut&Euml;&#203;ËAlt + 0203
Uppercase I, grave accent&Igrave;&#204;ÌAlt + 0204
Uppercase I, acute accent&Iacute;&#205;ÍAlt + 0205
Uppercase I, circumflex accent&Icirc;&#206;ÎAlt + 0206
Uppercase I, umlaut&Iuml;&#207;ÏAlt + 0207
Uppercase Eth, Icelandic&ETH;&#208;ÐAlt + 0208
Uppercase N, tilde&Ntilde;&#209;ÑAlt + 0209
Uppercase O, grave accent&Ograve;&#210;ÒAlt + 0210
Uppercase O, acute accent&Oacute;&#211;ÓAlt + 0211
Uppercase O, circumflex accent&Ocirc;&#212;ÔAlt + 0212
Uppercase O, tilde&Otilde;&#213;ÕAlt + 0213
Uppercase O, umlaut&Ouml;&#214;ÖAlt + 0214
Multiplication sign&times;&#215;×Alt + 0215
Uppercase O, slash&Oslash;&#216;ØAlt + 0216
Uppercase U, grave accent&Ugrave;&#217;ÙAlt + 0217
Uppercase U, acute accent&Uacute;&#218;ÚAlt + 0218
Uppercase U, circumflex accent&Ucirc;&#219;ÛAlt + 0219
Uppercase U, umlaut&Uuml;&#220;ÜAlt + 0220
Uppercase Y, acute accent&Yacute;&#221;ÝAlt + 0221
Uppercase THORN, Icelandic&THORN;&#222;ÞAlt + 0222
Lowercase sharps, German&szlig;&#223;ßAlt + 0223
Lowercase a, grave accent&agrave;&#224;àAlt + 0224
Lowercase a, acute accent&aacute;&#225;áAlt + 0225
Lowercase a, circumflex accent&acirc;&#226;âAlt + 0226
Lowercase a, tilde&atilde;&#227;ãAlt + 0227
Lowercase a, umlaut&auml;&#228;äAlt + 0228
Lowercase a, ring&aring;&#229;åAlt + 0229
Lowercase ae&aelig;&#230;æAlt + 0230
Lowercase c, cedilla&ccedil;&#231;çAlt + 0231
Lowercase e, grave accent&egrave;&#232;èAlt + 0232
Lowercase e, acute accent&eacute;&#233;éAlt + 0233
Lowercase e, circumflex accent&ecirc;&#234;êAlt + 0234
Lowercase e, umlaut&euml;&#235;ëAlt + 0235
Lowercase i, grave accent&igrave;&#236;ìAlt + 0236
Lowercase i, acute accent&iacute;&#237;íAlt + 0237
Lowercase i, circumflex accent&icirc;&#238;îAlt + 0238
Lowercase i, umlaut&iuml;&#239;ïAlt + 0239
Lowercase eth, Icelandic&eth;&#240;ðAlt + 0240
Lowercase n, tilde&ntilde;&#241;ñAlt + 0241
Lowercase o, grave accent&ograve;&#242;òAlt + 0242
Lowercase o, acute accent&oacute;&#243;óAlt + 0243
Lowercase o, circumflex accent&ocirc;&#244;ôAlt + 0244
Lowercase o, tilde&otilde;&#245;õAlt + 0245
Lowercase o, umlaut&ouml;&#246;öAlt + 0246
Division sign&divide;&#247;÷Alt + 0247
Lowercase o, slash&oslash;&#248;øAlt + 0248
Lowercase u, grave accent&ugrave;&#249;ùAlt + 0249
Lowercase u, acute accent&uacute;&#250;úAlt + 0250
Lowercase u, circumflex accent&ucirc;&#251;ûAlt + 0251
Lowercase u, umlaut&uuml;&#252;üAlt + 0252
Lowercase y, acute accent&yacute;&#253;ýAlt + 0253
Lowercase thorn, Icelandic&thorn;&#254;þAlt + 0254
Lowercase y, umlaut&yuml;&#255;ÿAlt + 0255
Comments (1)
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Shamsuddin   Sep 12, 2022
Very helpful. I like it. Thanks!