MySQL Timestamp with Implicit Default Value Depreciated Startup on Windows
Jan 14, 2015Web DevelopmentComments (1)
If you receive this warning when starting MySQL (mysqld.exe) on Windows:
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Magento HTTPS Redirect Loop with Cloudflare Flexible SSL
Jan 9, 2015Web DevelopmentComments (8)
If your Magento store uses CloudFlare's free Flexible SSL to encrypt the visitor-to-CloudFlare connection, you may run into a redirect loop problem on any Magento page that forces https, such as log in, account, and checkout. You may also run into an issue where Magento serves http assets on https pages, causing the browser to block them.
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HTML <blink> Implementation in JavaScript (Lightweight, Non-Polluting)
Dec 30, 2014Web Development
The <blink> HTML tag is an element that was introduced by Netscape in the 90's and caused text to blink continuously. It annoyed enough people that its functionality is now completely absent from modern browsers.
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HTML Special Character Code & Windows Alt Key Shortcut List
Dec 17, 2014Web DevelopmentComments (1)
Here is a list containing HTML special character codes and Windows shortcuts.
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Should Your New Website Support Internet Explorer 8 In 2015?
Nov 26, 2014Web Development
It's almost 2015. Should you still test and make sure your new website functions properly all the way back to Internet Explorer 8? Or should you forgo older browsers and not care if your site is unusable on them?
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How To Detect AdBlock Using JavaScript
Nov 13, 2014Web Development
There are a number of different ways to detect if the user has an ad blocker. It can be useful information if you want to hide stray elements when ads are blocked, such as ad containers, or display a message to your users.
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Simple Online JSON Minifier & Compressor
Nov 2, 2014Web Development
This simple JSON minifier removes all line breaks, tabs, and any unnecessary spaces from your JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
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Receive Notifications From Your Facebook Comments Plugin
Oct 17, 2014Web DevelopmentComments (10)
If you've added a Facebook Comments Plugins to your webpage but are not receiving Facebook notifications when new comments are posted, you may need to include a Facebook meta tag in your HTML.
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How To Lazy Load The Facebook Comments Plugin Using JavaScript
Oct 10, 2014Web DevelopmentComments (17)
The Facebook comments plugin is an easy-to-use comment system that you can put on nearly any webpage. It's main downside versus a self-hosted comment system is that it incurs a lot of http requests. This can cause your site to load slower and make it feel less responsive.
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How To Make CSS Play & Pause Icons With A Single DIV
Oct 1, 2014Web DevelopmentComments (2)
Using CSS borders, you can create play and pause icons with full browser compatibility, no images, and no extra http requests. Each one uses just one <div> and simple CSS.
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How To Make a Responsive 100% Width YouTube iFrame Embed
Aug 12, 2014Web DevelopmentComments (143)
The key to creating a responsive YouTube embed is with padding and a container element, which allows you to give it a fixed aspect ratio. You can also use this technique with most other iframe-based embeds, such as slideshows.
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HTML Input Field Consistent Cross-Browser Height And Vertical Alignment
Aug 7, 2014Web DevelopmentComments (1)
The way HTML input fields are rendered varies even among modern browsers. Internet Explorer is notorious for not vertically-aligning input text if you don't use the right CSS, but even Chrome and Firefox differ in certain circumstances. Text might be vertically aligned in one browser, but then in another might look like this:
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Website Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Guide For Google
Aug 1, 2014Web Development
Google released a 32-page search engine optimization guide (PDF) in 2010 that went into pretty good depth on how Google views websites in relation to search rankings. I am going to briefly summarize the main points of that document, provide some examples, and then add to it.
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How The New H3XED Website Loads In 380 Milliseconds
Jul 31, 2014Web Development
When developing the new H3XED website, I had one primary goal: Give users the content they're looking for as quickly and unobtrusively as possible. To facilitate this, I needed to make the site load extremely fast, have the fewest barriers to content, and work seamlessly and simplistically across all commonly-used browsers.
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